Who has the Best IT Management Tool?
BY IT GLUE | June 24, 2016
Above: Mackenzie Hanna, Event Coordinator, ASCII Group, Phill Claxton, COO IT Glue and Jerry Koutavas, CEO ASCII Group, at the Success Summit in Miami
IT Glue™ made its way to Miami for the second event of the week. Our team brought home our fifth ASCII award for Best IT Management Tool and had a blast catching up with partners and prospects. Read more and see who won the IT Glue prize draw.
Who has got the “Best IT Management tool? – That’s right, IT Glue does!”. We were officially awarded for the fifth time by the ASCII Group Best IT Management Tool, and we can’t wait to add this new award to the growing collection.
Prize winner receives Apple TV
The winner of the booth prize was IT Glue partner Scott Richman, NerdSupport. IT Glue partner John Everett, Your IT Group was also happy to take home the booth TV for use at his business.

IT Glue prepared for action…

Phill Claxton, COO of IT Glue, had the opportunity to present to the ASCII audience about how to avoid waste in MSP’s. Phill’s speech touched on how to use IT Glue to improve efficiency in your business.
The IT Glue team also enjoyed the warm Miami weather at the ASCII pre-event reception.