Feature Release: MyGlue Help Center
BY IT GLUE | September 29, 2020
[FEATURE UPDATE: Now you can choose to share documents in the Help Center with all or select MyGlue accounts!]
In 1968, a 3M engineer by the name of Spencer Silver was tasked with making a super strong adhesive. He failed miserably, and ended up with a weak adhesive. That weak adhesive was then attached to small bits of paper and became Post-It Notes, an absolute moonshot of a hit product. Post-It Notes themselves were originally conceived for affixing temporary notes to documents, but would go on to become one of the most popular password management tools in the world.
The lesson here is that sometimes when you build a product, the best use cases for that product only emerge long after the product has been released into the wild. This is the case with MyGlue. We imagined that MyGlue would steal password management market share from the Post-It Note, and it has, but when we talk to MSPs now about MyGlue, they rave about its value as a collaborative tool.
We’ve taken note of this feedback and started to work a few more collaboration features into the MyGlue roadmap. Today, we announce one of those features, the MyGlue Help Center.
What is the MyGlue Help Center
The MyGlue Help Center allows for the sharing of the same document with all or select MyGlue accounts as a read-only document. The document would be editable by you, the MSP. For all of those “How to” and KB articles that you want to share with your clients via MyGlue, you only have to upload it once, to the Help Center, rather than individually for each client. The same applies when you need to update the document – you only need to do this once.
Share How To Documentation
The MyGlue Help Center is valuable for MSPs that wish to share common process documentation with their clients. Some examples might be how to articles like “How to connect to a VPN” or “How to configure your mailbox”. Articles containing basic information, such as your after-hours emergency contact information can also be shared, and updated easily, using the MyGlue Help Center.
Why Use the MyGlue Help Center
If there’s one thing that’s a drag on tech productivity, it’s getting a barrage of calls and emails about mundane, routine stuff. If you’re wasting a lot of your time on these low-level tasks like, say, setting up VPNs for all the new remote work locations, being able to collaborate more easily with your clients makes a big difference. Being confident that they’ll be able to get the job done right? That goes beyond automation and into the realm of peace of mind.
And we always like to give you peace of mind, especially when collaborating with your clients and the end users who work for them.
To set up the MyGlue Help Center, please consult our Knowledge Base.