Guaranteed Password Access, Anytime, Anywhere
BY IT GLUE | June 06, 2023
Offline Mode for Passwords – Beta Access NOW LIVE
Your passwords are mission-critical, and the single most important assets in your documentation tool. You need always-on access to passwords for everything from accessing your critical information to logging in to your software solutions. Hence, seamless password access is essential in today’s IT setting. When technicians don’t have instant access to stored passwords, they will experience interruptions that could’ve been avoided.
In IT Glue, your passwords are documented along with the rest of your IT documentation so you can seamlessly carry on with your work. This makes your IT Glue passwords a core part of your daily operations. So, what if you don’t have access to IT Glue but need your passwords? This is no longer a concern for IT Glue users.
With the introduction of one of IT Glue’s most anticipated features, Offline Mode for Passwords, lack of access to passwords will be a thing of the past.
Seamless offline access to passwords
Offline Mode for Passwords is an extremely powerful feature that considers your IT Glue passwords’ security when stored on an approved user’s local device. This feature ensures a smooth process from the moment you set it up through using this feature’s offline password storage and access capabilities. You can achieve this through the following three components:
- IT Glue administrators will have full control over the settings for this feature through the IT Glue web app.
- Offline Mode for Passwords will only be available on Microsoft’s Windows OS devices. The dedicated Windows Sync service will maintain security and update your encrypted passwords.
- The brand-new Offline Mode Chrome Extension will support passwords — shared, personal, vaulted and OTP codes. It is available through the Google App Store (currently only visible and available to those participating in our Beta program).

Guarantee business continuity
Offline Mode for Passwords provides emergency access to all your passwords, even when IT Glue is under maintenance. As a result, you can rest assured knowing you will still have access to your passwords in any unforeseen and emergency situations. Considering the complexity of today’s IT environments, these scenarios are becoming more common.
The compliance needs and security requirements of clients are increasing every day. With Offline Mode for Passwords, you can access your most sensitive IT Glue assets — your stored passwords — anytime from anywhere. This feature can also come in handy when some clients have stringent compliance and security guidelines requiring access to passwords at any given time.

Full control and visibility
When your business is growing, data security is of paramount concern. To ensure maximum security, administrators must control who can access passwords offline. You must ensure your users can only see what they are allowed to see, even during an emergency.
With the Offline Mode Chrome Extension, your team will only see passwords that they are allowed to see in IT Glue. You do not need to worry about sensitive passwords being available to the wrong team members.
For General Availability coming later: Once Offline Mode for Password is available for everyone, Activity Logs will also sync. This will enable administrators to easily see who has accessed what passwords and if something needs extra attention. Complete visibility in usage helps increase security further.